Bug Free Backyard
To enjoy your garden this summer, creating a bite-free zone with the cutter ® brand.Repels and kills mosquitoes and other biting insects
Controls up to 8 weeks, even after rain
Treats up to 5,000 square feet
LAWNS: drop infect insects / pests BASEMENT including bluegrass weevil (adult), black grass Ataenius (adults), chiggers, chinch bugs, white grubs (Japanese beetle, European beetle, beetles from the south), and snout beetles Hyperodes ( adults), Mole crickets (nymphs and young adults)
Insects surface, such as ants *, caterpillars, cockroaches, crickets, cutworms, earwigs, fleas, moths lawn (grass webworms), centipedes, mosquitoes, palmetto bugs, mealybugs, mites, saliva of deer ticks (which may transmitting disease Lyme), water bugs
PEST outside the home: * ants, centipedes, cockroaches, crickets, fleas, millipedes, mosquitoes, bugs Palmetto, scorpions, bugs, pill, sow bugs, spiders, ticks, deer, water bugs
Ornamental trees and shrubs: * ants, caterpillars, larvae azalea, aphids, worms jacket, black vine weevil (adult), bugs Boxelder, caterpillars, California oakworm, cankerworms cockroaches, crickets, cutworms, this caterpillar, elm leaf beetles, European sawfly , caterpillars fall, aphids, forest caterpillar, gypsy moth larvae, Japanese beetles (adults), June beetles (adults), lace bugs, caterpillars feed on leaves, grasshoppers, leafminers (adults), rollers, skeletonizers leaves, mosquitoes, larvae oleander moth, Pillbug, sawfly pine, pine shoot beetles, moths pinetip, plant bugs, root weevils, flies Sierra, Scales (crawlers), spiders, spitting, beetles, striped, stripes oakworm, thrips, moths, moth larvae were killed broadmites, Brown softscale, California Redscale (caterpillars), mites, mealybugs, scale pineneedle (caterpillars), mites, whiteflies
* Only Argentina, South Stadium, Allegheny mound, Florida carpenter, cornfield, honey, pavement distress.
Product Features
Repels and kills mosquitoes and other annoying insects
Controls up to 8 weeks, even after rain
Up to 5,000 square foot coverage
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